hydrophilic sheath introducer 6f-11cm

hydrophilic sheath introducer

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Hydrophilic Sheath Introducer 6F-11cm

sheath introducers is a comprehensive product line offering excellent transitions, smooth insertion.

Hemostasis Valve - Minimizes blood leakage. Facilitates insertion and withdrawal of devices.

Available in 4F/5F/6F/7F/9F and in length of 11cm/23cm

No Leakage of the Hemostasis Valve under 80kpa Pressure

Favorable ,Pushabililty, Flexibililty,and Radiopaque

Smooth atraumatic arterial sheath & dilator transitions locking hub design

All items packed sterile

Sheath Introducer, Diagnostic Cardiology Catheter, Angiographic Cardiology Catheters, Hydrophilic Guide Wire, Radial Compression Device, Pressure Assisted Device


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